Boundless on the way
Our Customers
Our customers include steel mills, foundries and smelting works throughout Germany, Europe and the Far East.
We offer them a highly competent service and fair market prices while meeting their every expectation concerning quality and environmental issues.
Our raw materials
Our raw materials come from the metalworking sector, in particular from the automotive industry and its suppliers, as well as from the mechanical engineering and building industries. We also deal with the railways and their waste management projects as well as with companies active in general commerce.
The targeted purchase of specific types of primary materials, modern recycling equipment and large-capacity storage facilities ensure stable production processes and also guarantee our customers flexible product availability with short response times.
Worldwide trade
We conduct our export business in scrap metals via the deepwater ports of Rotterdam and Ghent, which can handle ocean-going vessels of up to 55,000 tonnage. Our independently run Ghent branches are fully equipped with the necessary systems and machinery for shipping.