Tradition & Progress

50s plus
We are a family-run business and have established ourselves firmly on the market as a leading provider in scrap metal preparation and processing. This all began back in the early 50s and has continued through to the present day.
Many years of experience combined with competence, reliability and swift decision-making on our part are the fundamental factors behind our ongoing success and growth.
The Schrott Wetzel Group’s continuing growth is based on long tradition, economic stability and progress.

Healthy growth
Expansion in recent years has focused mainly on establishing a wider regional presence in areas geographically close to our customers and at key strategic staging posts for our overseas business. Prudent investment in expanding our capacities and upgrading our plant equipment has played an equally significant role here.
We have also recruited more staff, bringing on board people who are both qualified and motivated, while continuing to develop more efficient and flexible business and logistics processes.

Committed to the environment
Today we employ about 200 people and process roughly 1 million tonnes of different grades of scrap metal. This also involves dealing responsibly with raw materials whose availability is limited – now more than ever the duty of any far-sighted company, and particularly in these times.
The fact that our customers recognize what we do is an acknowledgement of what we have so far achieved and acts as an incentive, but is at the same time a permanent obligation.
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